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Forest High School Band Program
SINCE 1922
New Member Information
Thinking about joining band in high school? The Forest High School Band has a place for YOU! We hope you’ll explore our web site to learn more about our band program and everything we do that makes us unique. We have put together this page to help you reach an informed decision about making band a part of your high school experience.
Why Band?
If you ask most current band students, they will probably tell you they couldn’t imagine what high school would have been like without having been in band. High school band is more than just playing your instrument, it’s more than a class, and it’s more than a big group of friends. It’s an opportunity to be a valuable part of an organization that is committed to showcasing incredible musical talent, serving as musical representatives of Forest High School and doing all this while having a great time with your closest friends. Not to mention, band teaches you valuable personal skills like self-discipline and time management in a way that almost no other high school course can. It’s a great learning experience that just happens to be a lot of FUN as well!
Frequently Asked Student Questions
You will probably find some of your questions or concerns about being in band are very similar to some of same things we get asked most often. We’ve put together a list of Frequently Asked Student Questions and their answers for you to find out more. See the FAQ for more info.
Band and Your Future
We are proud to be a part of Forest High School, where our academics, athletics, and all of our extra-curricular activities are very successful and strong. When you graduate, you will be a well-rounded person that has much to offer in your college or professional career as well as having developed a skill that you can enjoy for years to come whether you decide to pursue music as a career or just a hobby.
Still Not Convinced? Still Have Questions?
If you still would like more information or have additional questions you would like answered, feel free to email Mr. Jones. He will either answer your question, or if you would like, put you in touch with one of our students that can answer your question from their point of view. There are no dumb questions, so feel free to ask away!
Don’t forget to explore the rest of our web site using the links on this page. You will find a lot more information about our band just by taking a look around!
Band Camp Info:
Summer Band Camp 2024 is set for July 29th- Aug 2nd at FHS from 8am- 5pm. This is mandatory for all students participating in band for the 2024-2025 school year.
How Much: $85 for New Members. Click here to pay deposit online.
Monday- 8am-9am paperwork/registration/introductions
9am-11:30am- marching Fundamentals
12-1pm- Lunch Break (on Campus)
1pm-3pm- Music Sectionals
3:30pm-5:00pm- Full Group Music
8am-11:30am- marching Fundamentals/Drill
12-1pm- Lunch Break (on Campus)
1pm-3pm- Music Sectionals
3:30pm-5:00pm- Full Group Music
8am-11:30am- marching Fundamentals/Drill
12-1pm- Lunch Break (on Campus)
1pm-3pm- Music Sectionals
3:30pm-5:00pm- Full Group Music
Friday at 5pm will be a general info meeting for all parents. It will cover all of our procedures and info for the year as well as sign-ups for volunteer and fundraising opportunities and will cover the "All you ever wanted to know about FHS Band but weren't sure what to ask" questions. Immediately following this meeting, the band students will perform a "Preview" show of what they have been working on.
How Much: $85. Click here to pay deposit online.
See the FAQ for more info.
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